
July 07, 2002 - 18:09

I�ve never been one to contemplate my place in the universe. I�m not vain enough to believe that I have any greater destiny than anyone else. I see myself as an ordinary guy with an ordinary life, and as boring as that sounds, I accept it. It�s taken me a long time to get to this place because I have wanted to answer to some higher calling several times in my life. There was the architect phase, the archeologist phase, the great sculptor phase. But even during all that, including my interminable musician phase, I�ve never seen myself as called upon change the world.

Maybe I�m just accepting of mediocrity, I haven�t analyzed that yet. But I�ve never had the drive and passion once I�ve taken on one of those roles to go all the way. I sincerely wish I did because, those with that passion and vanity and drive do achieve greatness.

I think of those that have changed the world in one way or another. When did they realize they were destined for greatness? When did Albert Einstein realize that the way he saw how objects relate to each other in a dimensional way would change the way humanity perceives it�s place in the universe? He certainly didn�t see it as a young man. He flunked math, for Christ sake.

When Did Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart come to appreciate the fact that the music that was rolling around in his head would change music as the world knew it? He, on the other hand, probably knew as a child his special calling.

When did John F. Kennedy know that his place of greatness would happen during one of the most tumultuous decades in history and that his death would be one of the most significant events in the life of the world? Up until he entered the US senate, he was just a rich playboy.

Generally, It�s the people that have had only one focus since their childhood that have gone on to achieve. Maybe not greatness or, even, infamy but just to achieve. The rest of us do, we live, we struggle on with life with our many divergent wants and needs. We�re the generalists, the worker bees that get things done, but in the end are not great on an individual basis. But without us, greatness would never happen.


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