Dreamy Sweet

August 04, 2002 - 11:44

I got a message from Luvofmylife today. We�ve never really gotten to writing to each other when we�re apart. That�s because we�re rarely apart. But I�ve never been one to hand write letters and she�s never really gotten into the Internet.

I�ve been sending her messages lately because I set up an e-mail account for her. But she rarely looks at them. She�s got unread messages from her best friend from a month ago. About the only thing she uses our computer for is to play Mah Jong. *hehe*

So�I guess she read some of the messages I sent her because I got a response today. She has such a sweet written voice that it almost makes me swoon. It�s like I�m falling in love with this new woman that�s being revealed to me through her words. It won�t be the first time I�ve fallen in love with a woman over her writing, but when it�s my first love, the one I�ve been in love with for a quarter of a century, it�s even more exciting. It�s like I�m seeing a different side of her. It�s almost more intimate, somehow.

I want this to happen more often. I�ll just have to write to her more on this trip.

Bye the way. I set up a diaryland site for her. It�s called brunhilda2. I have no idea what she�s written there, if anything, because I want her to feel free to write what she wants without worrying about hurting my feelings. You know how that can happen, eh? lol

When I get home, I�m immediately moving into a new apartment in Toronto. I�m hoping we pick up this romantic writing a lot more. Instead of languishing in loneliness for five days a week, maybe we�ll spice things up on the web.


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